Termite Warranties

There are a lot of companies that can treat for termites. By all accounts most companies treat homes the same way, use the same chemical, and for the most part charge close to the same price. So how can a home owner choose the best company when it comes to termite treatment?

I do believe the vast majority of pest control companies do a good job when it comes to termite treatment. By speaking to customers, the one thing I have found that sets us apart from other companies when it comes to termite treatment is our warranty. We provide a free five year warranty for any termite job we do. After the five year warranty expires, then the warranty can be renewed for an annual fee for as long as the home owner desires.

What I am hearing from customers that shop around is that most other companies only offer a free warranty for one or two years. There are some companies that promote a five year warranty but you have to pay for the warranty annually so it is not a free warranty.

Our warranty works this way. After we do a termite job you have a free warranty for five years. So if you have any issues or concerns you call us and we come out and inspect and will retreat in the affected area at no cost to you. When you are under warranty feel free to call us anytime for an inspection and we will come out at no additional cost to inspect your property. Some homeowners like for us to come out annually to inspect. All you have to do is call. After the five year warranty expires you can renew the warranty for an annual fee. Usually around $120.00, depending on the size of the home. We will contact you once your warranty expires and check if you want to renew the warranty. There is no pressure if you do not want to renew. If you do choose to renew then we come out and do an inspection and also provide a general pest spray for your home.

Going with A-Team for termites you can have a free five year warranty for your home and if you choose to do so you can renew that warranty year after year. It is up to you.

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A-Team Termite and Pest Control is locally owned and operated and has over Fifty years of experience in Oklahoma Pest Control.

A-Team Termite and Pest Control
